Saturday, May 28, 2011

Pubic Hair on Urinal Tap

Just came out from the men's restroom. Why do they call it restroom??? It's not like you'd find someone leaning against the wet walls "taking a break"?????

Anyways, there I was, taking a leak and I was represented with one of the most difficult question/situation in the universe.... RIGHT THERE ... there was a strand of Pubic hair on the urinal tap. From here, your multiple choices would be:

1. Yeuuuuwww... not touch it, touch around it and leave it there and risk the next guy thinking YOU LEFT IT THERE

2. Pull it, risking Gawd knows what exposure to what diseases/plagues/viruses and wash it down, thus SAVING THE UNIVERSE

3. Zip up your trousers and go to the next one and loudly say "Yeuuuwwwwww! and tell the next guy DON'T TOUCH THAT

4. Leave it there, so the next guy will have to deal with the same shit, wait till there's no one so no one thinks you left it there.

I picked number 4.

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Location:PJ The Curve