Monday, March 08, 2004

A DAY AT TIMES SQUARE (????!!!!???)

Yes, Mel and I dont like Times Square. I am the one always excited about any new place in the city and my initial excitement concerning Times Square eventually turned to dissapointment when no real branded shops came about. Only DEBENHAMS, and on Saturday there was a DEBENHAMS sale. Great. Mel got me a pre-birthday gift, a nice pay of working shoes that were very Camper-like. And then she bought herself 2 very nice skirts at some shops.

For 2 people who dont really like the place, we sure spent the entire day there. Anyway, the top floors are still very empty, and WHERE AND WHEN IS THE IMAX CINEMA coming? It's been too long a wait. Anyway, you can check out the cool view of the old Pudu prison from some of the empty lots.

Just before we left, we bought some DVDs. Got a bootleg of The Passion of The Christ.... I know it's gonna be banned here, and the cinema copy was acceptable for RM7. DVCams make good cinema copies, nowadays....

Spend the night watching it and the movie really hit all of us. Yes, Jesus suffered badly and this movie is as real to the real event of the crucifixion. I for one, have been hoping for a movie like this for years since I became a Christian in high school and its finally here. Yes I guess its going to be a life changing film.

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