Thursday, May 06, 2004


... Yup, since no one is bloody around in the office - I decided to check out my condo defects. Man. Suffice to say I wasn't too please. The first time, I guess I was too excited about getting my place and the second time, was carried away with my friend telling me what's nice about my place.

Well, this time, with a clear mind and a useful flourescent lamp to light the rooms for me to check it out.... I headed to my condo for my next inspection...Man, when I see the finishing I want to FINISH the developer's HEAD OFF. Anyway, I guess Paramoden was in a hurry to ensure they get MMU and LUCT tenants in time for the June intake! True, enough, so many units were occupied on my block!

Anyway, dunno which bloody chinaman contractor they got, they better make good with my unit. So far, am moderately happy with the customer service, very happy about the facilities, dissapointed with the poor and rushed finishing, happy with the features like the alarm system, ethernet ports and centralized astro.

BUT: Why the hell you have a rule book that says occupants cant hang clothes in the balcony when all the damn students do it anyway. Ah well, you have to understand, living in a student infested area. Why the hell do you build a water outlet for all aircons but dont have a hole for piping for the compressor? Why do malaysia contractors do a sub-par job only to keep coming back later to fix it and spend more resources? BODOH! Do a good job the first time!

I can smile a bit. At least I know Mel and I can really make the place look good after they fix up the mess. Boy, oh boy, tomorrow we really gonna be kicking up a fuss at customer service....